Magzter UK gift cards and vouchers
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Magzter UK Gift Card

Redeem online.

The Magzter UK e-gift card can be paid for with credit and debit cards, and digital currencies, like bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, dogecoin, litecoin or ripple.

This gift card can be redeemed in United Kingdom. You will earn GO Points when you buy this gift card.

Unleash an unparalleled world of diverse reading experiences with the Magzter UK gift card! Delve into an extensive digital library that boasts thousands of magazines and newspapers spanning over 40 categories and presented in 60+ languages. As the largest and fastest-growing digital newsstand globally, Magzter Inc. offers a transformative reading platform to readers worldwide. With its headquarters based in New York and a strong presence in cities across the globe, Magzter caters to over 75 million users, delivering an intuitive, self-service portal for accessing a wide array of favorite publications. Founded by visionary entrepreneurs Girish Ramdas and Vijay Radhakrishnan in 2011, Magzter empowers publishers to present their digital editions to a global audience, ensuring unparalleled access to captivating reads and informative content.

Redemption Instructions

This gift card expires in 12 months.

  1. Redeem on Magzter's Site: Visit the official Magzter website to redeem your gift card.
  2. Sign In or Register: Create a new Magzter account or log in if you already have one.
  3. Choose 'Redeem Now': Look for the 'Redeem Now' section or option on the website.
  4. Enter Card Details: Enter the unique PIN or code from your Magzter UK gift card.
  5. Redeem and Explore: Submit the details to redeem your card and access a diverse range of digital magazines and newspapers.

For UK users, please note that the Magzter UK eGift Card is applicable for 3-month subscriptions only. To redeem your Magzter eGift card, visit

Terms and Conditions

Unveil the comprehensive details of your Magzter UK eGift Card by exploring the terms and conditions here. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines to ensure a seamless experience while accessing a plethora of digital magazines and newspapers across various categories and languages.

What is Gift Off?

Gift Off is the quick and easy way to buy digital gift cards in the UK, Europe, the US, Canada, Australia and beyond. With over 1330 gift cards available to choose from, you’re guaranteed to find the perfect gift every time. What’s more, you can earn as you spend with GO Points so you make savings on future purchases.