Movies, Music & Gaming > Panduro Sweden
Panduro Sweden Gift Card
Redeem online and in-store.
The Panduro Sweden e-gift card can be paid for with credit and debit cards, and digital currencies, like bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, dogecoin, litecoin or ripple.
This gift card can be redeemed in Sweden. You will not earn GO Points when you buy this gift card.
De bästa presentidéerna hittar du hos Panduro Hobby!
Vi har allt för att locka fram kreativiteten hos både barn och vuxna. Bara fantasin sätter gränser.
Redemption Instructions
This gift card expires in 3 years.
OBS! Presentkort via e-mail skal skrivas ut och tas med till butik.
Kontrollera saldot på ditt Panduro Hobby Sweden e-presentkort här: presentkort.retain24.com/Panduro_SE/balance.do.
Terms and Conditions
• Presentkortet gäller på hela vårt sortiment • Gäller i alla våra Panduro-, Kreatima- och Pando-butiker • Gäller online på panduro.com och kreatima.com
What is Gift Off?
Gift Off is the quick and easy way to buy digital gift cards in the UK, Europe, the US, Canada, Australia and beyond. With over 1610 gift cards available to choose from, you’re guaranteed to find the perfect gift every time. What’s more, you can earn as you spend with GO Points so you make savings on future purchases.