IKEA Denmark gift cards and vouchers
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IKEA Denmark Gift Card

Redeem online and in-store.

The IKEA Denmark e-gift card can be paid for with credit and debit cards, and digital currencies, like bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, dogecoin, litecoin or ripple.

This gift card can be redeemed in Denmark. You will not earn GO Points when you buy this gift card.

Opfyld de vildeste boligindretningsønsker. Sig tillykke med en gave til boligen eller giv en alternativ værtindegave. Et gavekort til IKEA er et sikkert hit!

IKEA har næsten alt inden for boligindretning - udvalget er enormt, og du får meget for pengene.

Information: Bestillinger kan deles op i flere gavekort, hvis et valgt beløb ikke er tilgængeligt. (Se de tilgængelige beløb under "Andre oplysninger").

Redemption Instructions

This gift card expires in 120 months.


  1. Add the desired products to your shopping cart on IKEA.com.
  2. Select your desired delivery method and enter your personal details.
  3. During payment, choose "Redeem a gift card or refund card" and enter the PIN code on the card to complete the payment.
  4. The balance on your card will update automatically about 4 hours after payment.


  • Present the gift card at the checkout to use it for your purchase.

Terms and Conditions

What is Gift Off?

Gift Off is the quick and easy way to buy digital gift cards in the UK, Europe, the US, Canada, Australia and beyond. With over 1620 gift cards available to choose from, you’re guaranteed to find the perfect gift every time. What’s more, you can earn as you spend with GO Points so you make savings on future purchases.